Ugly, Lovely: Dylan’s Swansea and Carmarthenshire of the 1950s in Pictures

11:00 am
Dylan Thomas Centre
Celebrate the publication by Parthian Books of this evocative collection of Ethel Ross’ photographs, accompanied by quotes from Dylan Thomas’ poetry and her own comments.
Following Dylan Thomas’ death, Ethel Ross, the sister in law of Alfred Janes, took a series of photographs of Dylan’s Swansea, and captioned them with an appropriate quote from his work. Ethel, a stalwart of the Little Theatre Company, knew Dylan and his circle, and wrote Dylan Thomas and the Amateur Theatre. Many of the photos have been on display in the Dylan Thomas Exhibition this year.
Ugly, Lovely is edited by Ethel’s niece, the writer Hilly Janes, author of The Three Lives of Dylan Thomas. This event will also include a performance by Fluellen Theatre Company of ‘Lunch at Mussolini’s’, Dylan’s little-known script.
Event in association with Parthian Books.
All tickets £4: can be redeemed against the purchase of Ugly, Lovely
on the day.
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