Science Cafe: The Fukushima Nuclear Disaster – 4 years on

7:30 pm
Brian Jones visited the Fukushima region in October 2014 as part of a 34-strong international Green Cross Study Tour looking at the consequences of the nuclear disaster following the tsunami in 2011. The group included a British MEP, a Canadian MP, a Swiss National Councillor and a Brazilian Mayor, plus representatives from 8 other countries, including 6 journalists.
His illustrated talk will briefly describe what happened when the tsunami struck the Fukushima nuclear power plants, and will concentrate on the challenges faced by the authorities still trying to deal with the consequences of the accident, and with the life-changing problems of ordinary people who used to live near the nuclear plant. The talk will not include any nuclear physics, but will concentrate on the human and environmental aspects of the incident.
The Swansea Science Café offers opportunities for anyone to find out more about new, exciting and topical areas of science. Designed to be informal and entertaining, entry is free and talks start at 7:30 pm at the Dylan Thomas Centre.