Writing Motherhood

1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Dylan Thomas Centre
‘There is no more sombre enemy of good art,’ said Cyril Connolly, ‘than the pram in the hallway.’ This specially curated event, funded by Arts Council England, and featuring three contemporary writers, considers the truth of this statement. How does motherhood really affect a writer’s work? What impact does it have on how and what they write, and how it is received and read? And can creativity survive an extended period of sleep deprivation…?
Writers Lily Dunn, Nuala Casey and Carolyn Jess-Cooke discuss the issues impacting female writers and the ways they combine writing with motherhood. A workshop in the second half of the event will enable participants to forge new ways of writing about their own experiences.
There is no charge for this event, but please feel free to make a voluntary donation.
Please book ahead at www.dylanthomas.com
Nuala Casey is a York-based novelist with two novels published since 2012: Soho 4A.M. and Summer Lies Bleeding.
Lily Dunn is a novelist and mentor. Her debut novel, Shadowing the Sun (Portobello), was published in 2007 when her first child was a few months old. She had her second child in 2009. Her second novel currently lives in her bottom drawer, and she has almost completed her third. She is Chair of North London Writers and a mentor for the Womentoring Project.
Carolyn Jess-Cooke is an award-winning poet and bestselling novelist published in 22 languages. Her latest novel The Boy Who Could See Demons is being made into a Hollywood film and her latest poetry collection BOOM! received a Northern Promise Award in 2013. Her project, ‘Writing Motherhood’, received full Arts Council of England funding in 2014 and is currently touring 13 literary festivals around the UK. She is Lecturer in Creative Writing at Glasgow University.