Poets at the DTC with Hilda Sheehan

7:30 pm
Dylan Thomas Centre
Hilda Sheehan is a writer and arts events organiser based in Swindon. She has been a psychiatric nurse and Montessori teacher. Her first collection of poetry, The Night My Sister Went to Hollywood, is published by Cultured Llama (www.culturedllama.co.uk). And a pamphlet, Frances and Martine, is due out in August 2014 from Dancing Girl Press. Her poetry has been published in The Rialto, Poetry Salzburg Review, Tears in the Fence and The Interpreter’s House. “Like a firework set off in the heart of the culture’s kitchen”. William Bedford in Acumen 77. The evening also includes an open mic session.
Full Price £4 Concessions £2.80 Swansea PTL £1.60
Buy tickets online (small booking fee applies)