03/11/2014 - 04/11/2014
8:30 pm
Volcano, The Iceland Building
Directed by Deborah Light
Devised with and performed by Eddie Ladd and Gwyn Emberton
Sound by Siôn Orgon
Costume by Neil Davies
Images by Warren Orchard
Caitlin was the wife of poet Dylan Thomas. At the start of the 70s, 20 years after he died, she started going to Alcoholics Anonymous.
In a circle of chairs, set out for an AA meeting Caitlin makes a determined effort to deal with her tempestuous past. Sat inside the circle with Caitlin the audience is witness to her account of a relationship fuelled by love, addiction, jealousy and infidelity. As Caitlin and Dylan drink, fight, love and leave each other the unoccupied chairs become part of the action, Caitlin sends them flying as she re-visits her chaotic life.
Caitlin is a collaboration between three exceptional and recognised dance artists Deborah Light, Eddie Ladd and Gwyn Emberton. It is a unique and powerful performance experience for a limited audience who sit inside the action.
CAITLIN was conceived by Eddie Ladd and commissioned by the National Library of Wales as part of this year’s centenary celebration of Dylan Thomas’ birth.
Supported by DT100, The Scottish Power Foundation, Chapter, Aberystwyth Arts Centre and Borough Theatre Abergavenny.
3& 4 / 10 / 2014
6.30 & 8.30